GGG - German Genealogy Group

New York City Brides Index

Database updated June 3, 2024

This database contains the indexes to 2,605,848 marriage records from 1866 to 1937 for the five Boroughs of New York City (Bronx, Kings, Manhattan, Queens and Richmond).  

NOTE: You can access many years of New York City vital record certificates at the New York City Municipal Archives Historical Vital Records web site, for free. You can search by name or by certificate number.  You can find the certificate number in this database or from the website. Certificate numbering starts over each year; so you will need to know the certificate number, the year and the county.

The New York City Brides index includes the following years:

  • Bronx:  1898 - 1937
  • Kings:  1871 - 1937
  • Manhattan:  1866 -1937
  • Queens:  1898 - 1937
  • Richmond:  1898 - 1937

After 1937, there was no longer a requirement to register the marriage with the Health Department. All marriages from 1938 to the present are recorded with the Clerk in the borough where the marriage took place.

We have found what appears to be male names in the brides index, and female names in the grooms index. If your search is not successful in one index try the other index.

For an index to every marriage license filed at the New York City Clerk's Office from 1950-1995, see:
NYC-marriage Licenses

NOTE: Be aware that a date like Nov 25'05 with a year 1906 indicates that the event took place on the 25th of the month in the year 1905 but was recorded in 1906.  Another indication that an event was recorded in the following year is a low certificate number for a month in the later part of the year. For example, if the event took place in December and the certificate number is 145, it probably was recorded the following year.

ALSO: Some birth and marriage certificates may have a letter following the certificate number. An "S" means Special, and is an indication that the certificate has been corrected. A "D" means a Delayed Certificate; usually issued because an original was never issued and a certificate is required for something like Social Security or maybe some legal action.

For all certificates, an "A" after a certificate number means that the number was issued twice, to different people; the "A" certificate is filed after the certificate without the A. The letter does not always appear on the certificate.
A "?" after a number indicates that we found that the certificate number is not correct (or the year or county); that particular number was assigned to someone else. It's an indication to the Municipal Archives staff that they may have to do some other digging to find the right person. And when the certificate number was unknown, a "99999" was used.

Records Search: Brides

Please note that the Surname (e.g. Last Name) is a required entry field. But since exact spellings are not always known, to aid your search we offer three different ways to specify Surnames...

  1. Exact Match ("is exactly") - This is the default surname search method.
  2. Soundex ("sounds like") - This option enables you to specify a surname spelling it out as best you can, and it will return results that "sound" similar to what you spelled out.
  3. Wild Card - With this option you can replace part of the surname with a * to match any number of letters, or _ to match a single letter. E.g., Sch* will return all names starting with Sch. Similarly, Schl_tz might return results such as Schlitz or Schlotz. 

NOTE: The wild card option applies ONLY to the surname. You can just enter the first few letters of a First Name; the search automatically adds a wild card to the end of the First Name.

For whichever of the above surname search options you would like to use, simply select the appropriate radio button option below the input field on the form. Although the additional form fields are optional, providing as much information as you can helps narrow your search. The more specific your search, the less time you need spend scrolling through search results!

If you find an error, you may submit a correction; but it MUST MATCH what is on the marriage certificate. No other changes will be accepted! 

If you have a NYC Historic Vital Record Marriage Certificate for a person that you are certain is not in our index you may submit it here.


Note: Leaving all un-checked is the same as checking all. You only need select any if you want to limit your search to specific Counties/Districts.


* Matches multiple characters. 
_ Matches one single character.



We wish to thank all the following volunteers for their help and participation with the Brides Index project:


Dean Ab-Hugh * Barbara Abrams * Dena Abrams * Harriet Ader * Jill Albrecht * Shari Aldous * Dara Allen * Anne Allison * Karen Almeida * Wendy Almeleh * Gloria Anderson Maryanne Andruzzi * Glenn Appel * Marie Arena * Ann Armoza * Frank Armstrong * Hazel Arnold * Jaime Arnone * Margaret Arsenault * Meg Assip * Harold Atkins * Paul Auerbach Katherine Auernheimer * Paul Bader * Anne Baker * Marion Baker * Pamela Baker * Helaine Baldwin * Clara Barbadillo * Marge Barclay * Karina Barker * Melissa Barker * Michelle Barnea * Darrellan Barnes * Donna Barone * Ellen Barrett * Karen Bartnik * Jill Bartos * Marisa Basile * Joseph Battagliese * Richie Baum * Joan Beck * Susan Behlen * Kathy Bell * Marie Bell * Marilyn Bell * Phil Belmont * Shelby Bennett * Kathleen Benson * Linda Berg * Audrey Berghaus * Richard Bernhard * Mildred Bernstein * Pat Bertino * Lucile Bertram * Nancy Biederman * Edward Bienz * Gail Bjorndal * Peggy Black * Richard Black * Karen Bliss * Fred Blum * Lucille Blum * Robert Blum * Lynn Blumenau * Evan Boccardi * Sue Bodishbaugh * Robert Boeckle * Bonnie Boeger * Ronald Bonafede * Penny Bonnar * Bernadette Bono * Barbara Bookhardt * John Bornholdt Palma Bourgoin * Carolyn Boxill * Tom Brandino * Joanne Brandt * Sandy Brass * Sharon Brearey * Bonnie Bredes * Jim Breslin * John Brook * Barbara Brown * Dolores Brown Ellen Brown * Mary Bryksinski * Judy Buckney * Barb Buczinski * Eileen Buesing * Beatrice Buonpane * Cathy Burke * Alice Burns * Cindy Burns * Wendy Burr * Gloria Burton Frank Butera * Karen Buxton * Jim Byrne * George Cabat * Pat Calandra * Aly Calderone * John Califano * Dan Callaghan * Cece Camara * Kristin Campbell * Maudie Campbell * Linda Cantor * Renee Capitanio * Judy Caputo * Susan Carey * Jay Carollo * Lawrence Carroll * Carol Caruana * Kevin Cassidy * Pat Catalano * David Cazalet   Ray Cefola * Mary Anne Cella * Nancy Celleri * Michele Chabot * Blythe Chase * Frances Chiappardi * Ann Chiappisi * Sheila Choukrane * Joan Christiano * Ellen Christopher Lauren Ciarochi * Frank Cicerale * Patricia Clark * Helen Clifford * Kathy Clune * Mary Colbert * Nancy Coleman * Dean Ann Collier * Lynne Collins * Dorothy Colwell * Elizabeth Connor * Frances Connors * Kathey Conroy * Lorraine Conroy * Janet Corcillo * Patricia Cordes * Nancy Coringrato * Dave Coxen * Ellen Craig * Blanche Craton * Judith Crawford * Maureen Crews * Janet Crowe * John Cullen * Barbara Cummings * Susan Curley * Paula Curran * Sean Curry * Barbara Curtis * Suzanne Danet * Fred Danner  Ron Dans * Denise D'Antona * Ed Dascoli * Mary Davis * Nancy De'Aeth * Charles Del Signore * Thomas Delaney * Vivki DeLeo * Dianne Delitto * Jason Dell'Aquila * Debra Dellocono * Karen Delmarco * Daphne Dennis * Barbara DeOliveira * Florence Diamond * Ralph DiCesare * Maria Dicolo * Rudolph DiCristina * Eleanore Dilello * Anthony DiMarino * Maureen Doane * Vickie Doddman * Pamela Dolan * Cindy Doll * Angelina Domeniche * Edward Donnell * Ellen Donohoe * Claire Donohue * Dianne Dorn * Kelly Doroban * Georgiana Dorr * Eileen Douglas * Christina Dowd * Stewart Driller * John Driscoll * Mary Duet * Jim Duggan * Mary Duke * Donna Dunaif * Bobbi Dunn * Jeanne Durney * Carol Earnhart * Patricia Eckardt * Donald Eckerle * William Ellsworth * Bertha Emmett * Tom Erickson * Kathleen Estes * Rachel Evans * Brett Ewald * Edith Ewenstein * Terri Fabiano * Bob Fahrer * Robert Fahrer * Mike Falabella * Joan Falk * Marilyn Fannon * Patricia Farrell * Carole Feinberg * Dana Feldman * Carolyn Fennell   Bill Fenton * George Ferguson * Marge Fernandes * Theresa Fernstrom * Kathie Ficeto * Linda Figliola * Linda Fine * Richard Fink * Ray FitzGerald * John Fitzpatrick * Mary Flaccavento * Kathy Fletcher * Lucy Flynn * Mary Fobian * Jan Fooks * Doreen Forrest * Bill Forshay * Suzanne Forte * Gloria Forthun * Mark Foster * Nora Fraher * Carolyn Franchi * Dolores Frank * Diane Frankel * Janis Franklin * Jane Fraser * Kathy Freeman * Leslie Freeman * Karen Freilino * Linda French * Theresa Fry * Patricia Gaetani Amanda Galbraith * Joan Galfund * Jim Gathercole * Annette Gathright * Susan Geiselman * Avrum Geller * Jim Gemma * Adriana Gerard * John Getzoff * Elizabeth Gieseke Noelle Giesse * Donna Gilliotti * Maria Giovine * Sean Glasheen * Kerri Glover * Marion Godzik * Linda Goldberg * Marge Goldin * Dorothy Goldman * Donna Goodwin   Angelika Gorham * Pam Gosling * Ted Gostin * Daniel Grady * Colleen Graham * Alison Gran * Kathy Grant * Elizabeth Green * Sharon Green * Sarah Greenberg * Marilyn Grosbeck * Jan Groshan * Gail Grossman * Marty Grossman * Susanne Gruenwald * Dianne Guarnera * Donna Guinaw * Ed Guinness * Jean Gulas * Doris Gulotta * Margaret Gundacker * Flora Gursky * Sandra Gutierrez * Donald Guttman * Estelle Guzik * Rita Haberman * Sister Joan Hackett * Pamela Hagen * Oscar Haimowitz * Tom Hale * Peter Halpin * Eileen Halton * Sandi Hamilton * Cheryl Hannan * Eileen Hansen * Mike Hardester * Colin Harlingten * Audrey Harmse * Chris Harmse * Rosemary Harper * Annie Harris * Steve Harris * Carole Harter * John Harvey * Roxanne Haslem * David Hauck * Brenda Hayward * Eli Hecht * Linda Heelan * Sheila Heitner * Sherri Heitner * Linda Helaudais * Adrienne Hemsley * Tammy Henderson * Kathleen Hendrickson * Betty Henken * Judith Herbert * Clare Herrick * Gayle Herron * Patricia Hervey * Laura Hescock Linda Heslin * Florence Hess * Kathleen Heydens * Virginia Higgins * Nancy Hill * Kathleen Hingel * Debbie Hoag * Linda Hodges * Christine Hoff * Chris Hoffman * Marcia Hoffman * Eileen Holland * Ann Holland * Richard Holliday * Catherine Hollister * Pat Holton * Charles Holtzback * Allison Hoopes * Bobbe Horton * Glenn Howard * June Howard * Dan Huber * Becky Hudnall * Marjie Hudson * Mandy Humphrey * Lisa Hunt * Dee Hunter * Willa Hunter * John Iazzetti * Jeanne Icolari * Diana Incivilito * Marie Inglee Sue Irvine * Maria Iwanechko * Carol Izzo * Dolores Jácome * Linda Jarczewski * Cyril Jardine * Judy Jefferson * Kathrine Jenkins * Nancy Jess * Eden Joachim * Cathy Johnson * Jeanette Johnson * Mary Ellen Johnson * John Jonaitis * Amelia Joseph * Colleen Justice * Stephen Kane * Shari Kantrow * Rochelle Kaplan * Anna Karpiak   Barbara Karwowski * Henry Kaspar * Alice Kasten * Laura Katz * Anne Kavanagh * Mary Jane Kedenburg * Virginia Keller * Marilyn Kellett * Peggy Kelley * Judy Kelly * Donna Kemmer * Noel J Kemmlein * Carol Kennedy * Ken Kennedy * Tracy Kennel * Stacy Kerr * Michael Kessler * Vivian Kessler * Josephine Kilbourn * Jean King * Sherry Kisos Evelyn Klapholtz * Sharon Klein * Sharon Klein * Mary Klima * Shelly Klink * Pat Kochick * Taneya Koonce * Elle Kositch * Debby Kozel * Linda Kralick * Linda Kralick * Kellie Kramer * Bob Kraus * Ken Kravitz * Sharon Kreyer * JoAnn Kronenfeld * Sol Krongelb * Margaret Ksiazak * Barbara Lacchia * Fred Lamond * Marie LaMonte * Robert Landau Cathy Langhoff * Jane Lantz * Johanna Lapier * Diane Lapins * Janet Larkin * Janice LaScala * Heather Lasher-Gerdan * Tony Lauriano * Cindy LaVallee * Marlaine Lavine Randy Lawson * Tricia Leffson * Ken Leib * Justine Leicht * Kathy Lena * Maureen Lennon * Marshall Lerner * Pat LeRoux * Herbert Lessmann * Jeff Levin * Hank Levine Donna Levitt * Martha Lev-Zion * Laurel Libby * Carol Liesenbein * Stephen Lignowski * Cynthia Link * Paula Listzwan * A J Logan * Denise Lombardo * Jamie Longley * Ronnie Lorentz * Nancy Lowell * Angie Loweth * George Ludder * Evelyn Ludwig * Kelly Lutz * Nancy Lutz * Shawntez Lyman * Dermot Lynch * Anna Lyons * Jeanne Macri * Debbie Maddox * Terry Madonia * Renee Magram * Sean Mahan * Micaela Mainelli * Carol Mainville * Julianne Malcolm * Sandy Malek * Maureen Mann * Ines Mannhardt * Carole Manning * Michael Manning * Laura Margolis * Renee Marigliano * Janet Marsh * Patricia Martin * Maureen Martinez * John Martino * Joanna Marutollo * Marcella Masiello * Bill Matthews * Dodi Mawer * Nancy Maxwell * Harriet Mayer * Linda Mayer * Carol McCall * James McCarthy * Shannon McClendon * Rosemary McCloskey * Jim McDonald Beverly McDonough * Agnes McFarlane * Kathleen McGarry * Kathy McGee * Jill McGirr * Robin Mcintosh * Toni McKeen * Sarah McKeever * Frank McKenna * Jody McKim John McManus * John L McManus * Rebeccca McMichael * Dora McNail * James McNamara * Judy McRaney * Carol Mead * Kevin Meagher * Carolyn Melito * Barbara Mellen  C Theresa Meltzer * Terry Meltzer * Andrew Memolo * Judith Ann Merritt * Florence Messina * Randy Messinger * Virginia Michaels * Virginia (Ginny) Michaels * Nancy Miles George A Miller * Lucille Miller * Ron Miller * Terry Miller * William Miller * Rhoda Miller * Stephen Miller * Lillian Minicozzi * Rosemary Mirabella * Arlene Mobley * Geri Mola Fran Molnar * Patricia Monaghan * Paul Monaghan * Gayle Mooney * Brenda Moore * Joanne Moore * Leslee Moore * Patricia Moore * Tom Moorman * Mary Morabito * Mariam Moran * Jeanne Mower * Marlene Mozgala * Barbara Murphy * Hannah Murphy * Kevin Murphy * Meg Murphy * Steve Murphy * Pauline Myers * John Nardi * Susan Nations Colleen Neal * Regina Negrycz * Peggy Nehmen * Phillip Nensel * Lori Nichols * Randi Nicolai * Carolyn Norcia * Kiera J Northington * Dolores Notaro * Candace Nourse-Hatch Eileen O'Brien * Gail O'Brien * Lynn O'Brien * Jo Ann O'Connell * Joanne O'Connor * Lori O'Dea * Lori O'Dea * Eileen Oesterle * Carol O'Hea * Ken Oliver * Virginia Olsen * Erin O'Malley * Carol O'Neil * Barbara O'Neill * Cindy O'Neill * Gail O'Neill * Joyce O'Neill * John Orourke * Maureen O'Shea * Karen Otto * Al Ovedovitz * Robert Pachner * Janeth Pacich * Debby Painter * Sandra Pakin * Monica Palmer * Robert Palmer * Edward Papa * Terry Parcel * Terry Parcel * Judy Paris * Joan Parker * Julie Parks * Sue Parris Donna Parrone * Mary Pasi * John Pasqualucci * Marie Pastore * Eileen Paul * Theresa Pawlowski * Joysetta Pearse * Kate Pecarovich * Mary Peitler * Patricia Pepe * Cindy Pera * Donna Perkins * Ann Perry * Carol Perry * Judy Petersen * Jennifer Petrino * Pat Petrizzo * Catherine Peyton * Marilyn Phillips * Chloe Pierle * Debbie Pierro * Jill Pierson Tracey Pikos * Irene Piscitelli * Mary Plant * Joan Plantinga * Laurie Plunkett * Vi Poland * Shelley K Pollero * Lisa Poole * Bonnie Popet * Shannon Possenti * Mary Posser Arnold Prepsky * Jerome Prevete * Donna Price * David Priever * Nancy Profit * Alma Puglia * Sharon Purcell * Barbara Puster * Laurie Quiglay * Heather Quinlan * Ellen Quinn Lucy Rafter * Lucy Rafter * Debra Rakoczy * Louise Randolph * Carol Raspler * Elizabeth Ratigan * Steve Rauch * Leslie Rawley * Donald Ray * Nana Redell * Eileen Redman Mimi Reed * Michael Reich * Charles Reiser * Carol Resch * Lydia Reyes * Joe Rhatigan * Becky Richardson * Susan Richardson * Marina Riggio * Audry Rini * Tom Risinger Gary Roberts * Jeanne Robertson * Karen Roby * Jessi-Ann Rosenbaum * Jerome Rosenthal * Colin Roth * Elaine Roth * Dolores Royere * Marcia Rubin * Chuck Russell Maureen Sabo * Elaine Salvatti * Maria Salvi * Patricia Sammartano * Oma Sanders * Barbara Sansone * Mary Santanen * Mari Santoro * Sheila Sapienza * Violet Sardo   Cathy Sato * Debbie Saunders * Susan Sauve * Eli Savada * Cindy Savino * Gabrielle Sbano * Marie Scalisi * John Scanlon * Joseph Scanlon * Cathy Schaefer * Barbara Schaffer * Judy Scheer * Laura Schenck * Carolyn Schermerhorn * Robert Scheuer * Kathleen Schindler * Robert Schlesier * Jo Ann Schmidt * Kim Schmidt * Mary Schmit Barbara Schnabel * Jerry Schneider * Michael Schroeder * Roberta Schultze * Bart Schutzman * Elaine Schwartz * Bob Schweitzer * Joe Scinto * Charlene Segot * Theresa Seibel * Doug Seidman * Gary Sekora * Dorothy Selby * Ted Semegran * William Sennello * Susan Septimus * Lorraine Shea * Ed Shellman * Carla Silva * Marilyn Silva  Janette Silverman * Robert Silverstein * Ghyll Simoneschi * Brenda Sinclair * Catheren Sirignano * Deborah Skoblick * Mary Ann Smith * Maureen Smith * Mary Lou Smith Christine Smyth * Dee Snook * Nancy Spencer * Jim Spero * Karen Spicer * Karen Spicer * Cynthia Spikell * Phyllis Spillane * Claire Spinelli * Barry Spinner * Richard Stahl Terry Stanley * Susan Starkey * Marie Steinberg * Alan Steinfeld * Larry Steinhauer * Mimi Stevens * Dorothy Stewart * Mike Stiene * Carl Stoeppler * JoAnn Stoeppler * Robin Stone * Karin Stucchio * Robert Sullivan * Andrew Sverdlove * Natalie Tannenbaum * Judy Tarail * Armand Tarantelli * Donna Taub * Trish Taylor * Maureen Teachman * Greta Tedoff * Amy Tennyson * Mary Ellen Tenore * Kathy Then * Diana Thompson * Patty Thompson * Val Thompson * Cathie Thornhill * Olga Thuman * John J Tierney * Lori Tillery Michael Timmons * Jack Tims * Diane Tortorella * Diana Tosi * Jennifer Tran * Jean Tremel * Janet Truncali * Mary Tunstall * Susan Turner * Karen Tutone * Elisa A Ulino Stephen Ullrich * Mary Upton * Nanci Vaeth * Jody Valet * Noelle Van Pulis * Marie Vayer * Marilyn Verna * Joe Viola * Marge Virgulak * Jean Viviani * Barbara Voelkel * Lois Volence * Linda Volin * Susan Von Bergen * Barbara Vorel * Marina Voyskun * Carol Wagner * Linda Wagner * Mark Waldron * Kathy Wallach * Lori DiBella Wallach * Lori Wallach * Adelaide Ward * Lee Ward * Renee Waring * Jackie Wasserstein * Steve Waterman * Theresa Waters * Fred Weber * Helen Weihe * Karen Weinberg * Kenneth Weiner * Shelly Weiner * Laura Weishaupt * June Wenzel * Dulce Werner * Kathleen Whalen * Blanche White * Susan White * Ann White * Dick Whiting * Laura Whiting * Lynne Wichtner * Gina Wirth * Jacqueline Wisner * Arlene Witt * Nancy Witzgall * Helen Wolf * Alice Wolfteich * Janet Wood * Joan Wood * Pat Wood * Marilynn Wright * Brenda Wymore * Carol Yocom * Linda York * Suzanne Youmans * Augusta Young * Gary Young * Miriam Youngerman * Shannon Yowell * Eileen Zakielarz * Albert Zani * Cathy Zeltmann * Jeanine Zeltmann * Patricia Ziegler * Paula Zieselman * Linda Zimmerman

We would also like to thank the Municipal Archives for their assistance with this project.

This project was coordinated by Mr. John Martino. If you would like to contribute time to other current projects, please contact us.

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