GGG - German Genealogy Group

Records Search: NYC Search

This search page will search the New York City Municipal Archives Birth, Brides, Grooms & Death index databases on this site.

Please note that the Surname (e.g. Last Name) is a required entry field. But since exact spellings are not always known, to aid your search we offer three different ways to specify Surnames...

  1. Exact Match ("is exactly") - This is the default surname search method.
  2. Soundex ("sounds like") - This option enables you to specify a surname spelling it out as best you can, and it will return results that "sound" similar to what you spelled out.
  3. Wild Card - With this option you can replace part of the surname with a * to match any number of letters, or _ to match a single letter. E.g., Sch* will return all names starting with Sch. Similarly, Schl_tz might return results such as Schlitz or Schlotz. 

NOTE: The wild card option applies ONLY to the surname. You can just enter the first few letters of a First Name or none at all); the search automatically adds a wild card to the end of the First Name.

For whichever of the above surname search option you would like to use, simply select the appropriate radio button option below the input field on the form. 
We suggest you start with just a surname (with wild cards or "sounds like" option). First names are often not what you think they are.
If that results in too many results, then narrow your search by range of years or county.
If you find a record of interest here, you can obtain a free copy of the certificate by using the certificate number, year and county/borough at:

If you find an error in our index, you may submit a correction; but it MUST MATCH what is on the certificate. No other changes will be accepted!
If you have NYC Historical Vital Record information for a person that you are certain is not in our index you may submit it here.

Certificate Type

* Matches multiple characters.
_ Matches one single character.


