GGG - German Genealogy Group

Naturalization Records

This database includes records from the following jurisdictions:

NARA in New York City | Bronx County | Nassau County | Queens County | Richmond County | Suffolk County

and links to the following naturalization web sites: Westchester County | Kings County | Other NY Counties

NY & NJ Naturalization Records at NARA in New York City

This database contains an index to over two million naturalization records that are available at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Manhattan. The indexes are a work in progress and additional records will be added. Below is a list of the indexes presently available from the following federal court districts and state counties:

Clinton County, New York  1871-1906
Essex County, New York   1818-1906

U. S. District Court, New Jersey, Camden   1933-1981
U. S. District Court, New Jersey, Newark    1914-1983
U. S. District Court, New Jersey, Trenton     1919-1987
U. S. District Court, New York, Eastern District     1867-1975 and 1988-1990
U. S. District Court, New York, Southern District   1800-1970
U. S. District Court, New York, Northern District    1821-1855
U. S. District Court, New York, Western District     1903-1967

U. S. District Court, New York, Southern District includes these counties: New York, Bronx, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, and Sullivan
U. S. District Court, New York, Eastern District i
ncludes these counties: Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Richmond (Staten Island), Nassau, and Suffolk
U. S. District Court, New York, Western District includes these counties: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, Ontario, Orleans, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates
U. S. District Court, New York, Northern District includes these counties: Albany, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Cortland, Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Montgomery, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, Otsego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, St. Lawrence, Tioga, Tompkins, Ulster, Warren, and Washington

Military Naturalization Records are included in the above.

Puerto Rico Naturalization Records 

Declarations of Intention [Ponce and Mayaguez], 1917-1939
Declarations of Intention [San Juan], 1900-1911
Petitions for Naturalization, 1917-1957
Petitions for Naturalization, Military, 1944-1955
Repatriation Oaths of Allegiance, 1942-1973
Repatriation oaths of allegiance, in general, were filed by women who lost their U.S. citizenship through marrying an alien prior to 1922 when women derived their status from their husband.

Declarations of Allegiance, 1939-1940
Section 5 of the Jones Act of 1917 conferred American citizenship on individuals born in Puerto Rico. Under the terms of this section, any person born in Puerto Rico of alien parentage, including whose parents retained Spanish citizenship, could acquire U.S. citizenship by filing a Declaration of Allegiance to this effect. These Declarations of Allegiance are often accompanied by copies of the individual’s birth certificate. 

After you complete a search a "Documents & Forms" link will appear on the Search results page. Click this link to show a list of forms. Use the form NARA Naturalization Request Form for any of the above records from the National Archives in New York City.

Copies can also be made at the National Archives, One Bowling Green 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10004 and are much cheaper since you only pay for photocopying charges. Call first to be sure the record you need is the New York office: Phone: 212-401-1620

Documents can also be ordered using a Credit Card at:

 Bronx County Naturalization Index

The German Genealogy Group along with members of the Genealogy Federation of Long Island have completed the huge project of computerizing the index to all of the Naturalization Records that are held by the Bronx County Clerk’s Office. 

These naturalization records are for the period of 1914 to 1952. This database contains over 260,000 records.

When requesting a copy of the original records, please provide all information on the form.

We have provided a printable form to request Naturalization Records from Bronx County. A link to the form will appear on the Search results page.

In addition, you may obtain an image of the petition at:

Nassau County Naturalization Index

This database consists of an index to all the naturalization records in Nassau County, New York. The index covers a period from 1899 through 1986. There are 98,109 records in this database. It includes both Petitions and Intentions. Also included are some records for men from all over the country that were stationed at two World War I locations, Camp Mills and Aviation Field #2.

When requesting a copy of the original records, please provide all information on the form.

We have provided a printable form to request Naturalization Records from Nassau County. A link to the form will appear on the Search results page. 

 Queens County Naturalization Index

Queens County, New York naturalization records start in the mid 1800's (with a few earlier years) and continue to about 1957.

The records are in 3 separate sets.

  • The first set consists of Bundle numbers 1 through 49 and each Bundle starts with Petition number 1
  • The second set consists of Volume numbers 1 through 195 and consist of Petition numbers 1 through 51,122
  • The third set is Military Naturalization records, and they are all in a single Military book and also start with Petition number 1.

    When ordering a copy of a Naturalization records it is very important to specify Bundle, Volume or Military and the Petition number.

    We have provided a printable form to request Naturalization Records from Queens County. A link to the form will appear on the Search results page. 

  • In addition, you may obtain an image of the petition at:

    Richmond County Naturalization Index

    This database contains an index to the below naturalization records that were issued in Richmond County, New York (Staten Island).
    Petitions:       1898-1903, 1907-1959
    Declarations:  1906-1953, 1957
    Military:         1918, 1919, 1921-1924
    Intentions:     1883 - 1898

    When requesting a copy of the original records, please provide all information on the form.

    We have provided a printable form to request Naturalization Records from Richmond County. A link to the form will appear on the Search results page. 

    Suffolk County Naturalization Index

    This complete index contains all of the naturalization records of Suffolk County, New York and has over 67,000 names from as early as 1853 up to 1990 when the Federal government assumed control of the naturalization process.

    Members of the German Genealogy Group, along with members from the other groups that make up the Genealogy Federation of Long Island, have participated in the indexing these Naturalization records.

    Among these records are 49 books containing over 12,000 names of military  personnel who petitioned the government for citizenship while at Camp Upton, a U.S. Army base. Camp Upton was situated in the area that is now Brookhaven Labs in Yaphank, Long Island. There were thousands of men trained there during 1917 to 1918 and while the majority of the men were from the New York metropolitan area, there were also many from as far away as the states of  California and Washington. It was at this Army base that Sgt. Irving Berlin wrote the famous song, “Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning.” Women are also listed in these naturalization records as three Army nurses naturalized while at Camp Upton.

    These naturalization records are of extreme importance not only to genealogical researchers but also to others trying to find either historical or personal information. The Suffolk County Clerk's office is the custodian of the records and since they are now computerized, they can easily answer requests to their office for naturalization information.

    This database has importance not only to New Yorkers but also to many from all over the United States, particularly for soldiers who were processed for discharge at the end of World War I in November 1918. These men were very often not from the New York area. It is suggested that if you can't find a relative who became a citizen during the World War I period, no matter where they lived originally, check the Camp Upton naturalization records.

    When requesting a copy of the original records, please provide all information on the form.

    We have provided a printable form to request Naturalization Records from Suffolk County. A link to the form will appear on the Search results page.  This form can be used to obtain a copy of the naturalization record for genealogy purposes only. Contact the County Clerk's office to obtain a certified copy.

    The above projects were originally coordinated by Mr. John Martino. If you would like to continue his legacy and contribute time to other current projects, please contact us at: GermanGenealogyGroup (at)

    Westchester County Naturalization Index

    This database consists of an index to the World War I Fort Slocum naturalization records in Westchester County, New York. There are only 579 records.

    An index of additional naturalization records may be found at the Westchester County Archives web site, as well as instructions for ordering a copy or the naturalization record. 

    Kings County Naturalization Index

    The naturalization index for Kings County, New York is on the web site of the Jewish Genealogical Society.  Click here to search this index.

    Naturalization Indexes - Other New York Counties

    ALBANY COUNTY 1821-1991.
    ONTARIO COUNTY 1808-1956
    WARREN COUNTY 1813-1906
    WARREN COUNTY declaration of intentions 1906-1956
    WARREN COUNTY petitions 1907-1955
    Other New York Counties

Records Search: Naturalizations

Please note that the Surname (e.g. Last Name) is a required entry field. But since exact spellings are not always known, to aid your search we offer three different ways to specify Surnames...

  1. Exact Match ("is exactly") - This is the default surname search method.
  2. Soundex ("sounds like") - This option enables you to specify a surname spelling it out as best you can, and it will return results that "sound" similar to what you spelled out.
  3. Wild Card - With this option you can replace part of the surname with a * to match any number of letters, or _ to match a single letter. So for example, Sch* will return all names starting with Sch. Similarly, Schl_tz might return results such as Schlitz or Schlotz. 

NOTE: The wild card option applies ONLY to the surname. You can just enter the fist few letters of a First Name; the search automatically adds a wild card to the end of the First Name.

For whichever of the above surname search options you would like to use, simply select the appropriate radio button option below the input field on the form. Although the additional form fields are optional, providing as much information as you can helps narrow your search. The more specific your search, the less time you need spend scrolling through search results!

NOTE: For Bronx County and Queens County, you may obtain an image of the Petition at:

NOTE: For Clinton County and Essex County, send request to NARA. For all other County naturalization records, send request to that county.

NOTE: The Newark, NJ index now includes PETITIONS.

County or District

Note: Leaving all un-checked is the same as checking all. You only need select any if you want to limit your search to specific Counties/Districts.


* Matches multiple characters. 
_ Matches one single character.



We wish to thank all the following volunteers for their help and participation in these projects:

Naturalizations at NARA in New York City (NY & NJ)

Pat Hallden Abberton * Dean Ab-Hugh * Barbara Abrams * Dena Abrams * Mary Adair * Linda Albright * Shari Aldous * Karen Almeida * Wendy Almeleh * Marlena Amalfitano  * Patricia Ammann * Terry Ancona * Gloria Anderson * Maryanne Andruzzi * Rosemary Ardolina * Marie Arena * Ann Armoza * Frank Armstrong * Hazel Arnold * Joseph Arrighi * Harold Atkins * Paul Auerbach * Katherine Auernheimer * Rosa Avolio  * Craig Bacino * Joyce Bailey * Anne Baker * Kirsten Baker * Pamela Baker  * M. A. Baldenweck * Helaine Baldwin * Lorraine Baltusis * Marge Barclay * Sue Bare * Darrellan Barnes * Donna Barone * Trudie Barret * Ellen Barrett * Karen Bartnik * Laura Basile * Joseph Battagliese * Ruth Bauer * Richie Baum * Tracy Beauregard * Joan Beck * David Beer * Daria West - Matt Beiss * Bess Bell * Kathy Bell * Marie Bell  * Gail Bender * Kathleen Benson  * Helene Bergman * Kirsten Berlin * Richard Bernhard * Janice Bernhardt * Jillian Beroza * Barbara Bishop * Peggy Black * Richard Black * Karen Bliss * Lucille Blum * Robert Blum * Lynn Blumenau * Krys Boccumini * Kelly Bodami * Robert Boeckle * Bonnie Boeger * Patricia Boen * Ronald Bonafede * Castrenze Bonanno * Penny Bonnar * Bernadette Bono * Barbara Bookhardt * Dr. Warren L. Bosch * Carolyn Boxill * Joanne Brandt * Erin Brannagan * Sandy Brass * Sharon Brearey * Janice Young Breedlove  * Parma Brewer * Linda Brewster * Serena Brochu * Elizabeth Brockington * Afina Broekman * John Brook * Nancy Brower  * Bill Brown * Ellen Brown * Mary Grace Brown * Allison Bruce * Mary Bryksinski * Paul Brzezinski * Ethel Buebendorf  * Richard Buehring * Eileen Buesing  * Donna Bullaro * Alice Burns * Cindy Burns * Wendy Burr * Gloria DeMichieli Burton * George Cabat * Ed Cain * John Califano * Dan Callaghan  * Susan Callahan * Cece Camara * Kristin Campbell * Dolores Canavaciol * Linda Cantor * Renee Capitanio * Judy Caputo  * Jennifer Carduck * Bobbiesue Carman * Jay Carollo * Kathi Carr * Lawrence Carroll * Theresa V Carrozza * Patricia Carter * Carol Caruana * Suzanne Carver * Kevin Cassidy * Pat Catalano * Ray Cefola  * Katie Ceglia * Mary Anne Cella * Michele Chabot * Cathy Champion * Blythe Chase * Ruth Cherecwich * Ann Chiappisi * Mary Anne Chiariello * Hope Chontofalsky * Linda Christiansen * Linda Christmann * Ellen Christopher * Lauren Ciarochi * Frank Cicerale * Vally Cicerale * Doug Ciioffi * Robert Clancy * Anne-Marie Clanton  * Christine Clark * Marilyn Clark * Patricia Clark * Arlene Clifford * Helen Clifford * Kathy Clune * Holly Cochrane * Jo Ann Cohen * Mary Colbert  * Lisa Cole * Kim Coleman * Wayne Coleman * Nancy Coleman  * Lynne Collins * Dorothy Colwell * Angelique Conde * Christline Conlon * Patricia Connor * Frances Connors * Kathey Conroy * Lorraine Conroy * Justina Cook * Janet Corcillo * William Cotgreave  * Cathy Cowell * Dave Coxen * Blanche Craton * Tom Cronin * Eileen Crook * Janet Crowe * John Cullen * Susan Curley * Ronald Curti * Barbara Curtis * Louise Custodio * Betty Ann Dahlstedt * Suzanne Danet * Carol Danner * Fred Danner * Denise D'Antona * Belinda Dapice * Jan Davis * Mary Hass Davis * Margaret DeAcetis * Michelle DeAmelio * Anne DeAngelis * Dolores DeBetta * Cathy DeCraene * Kim DeFalco  * Karen DeGeiso * Jessie DeGiorgio * Allison DeGrazia * Mary J Dehner * Dianne Delitto * Karen Delmarco * Charles DelSignore * Ruth Dennis * Barbara DeOliveira * Lynn Detrano * Catherine Devine * Tony DiBartolo * Maria DiCoio * Nicole DiGennaro * Eleanore Dilello * Anthony DiMarino * Vickie Doddman * Brandon Dolecki * Claire Donahue * Giuliana M Donnelly * Ellen Donohoe * Claire Donohue * Anne Donovan * Patricia Dooley * Kelly Doroban * Georgiana Dorr * Christina Dowd * Peter Drew * Stewart Driller * John Driscoll * Kathleen Dubin * Mary Duet * Mary Duke * Bobbi Dunn * Jeanne Durney * Carol Earnhart  * Joyce L Eaton * Fred Eberle * Patricia Eckardt * Don Eckerle * Laura Eckerle * Melanie Egan * Evelyn Ehlert * Jeanne M Einhorn * William Ellsworth * Bertha Emmett  * Diane Englert * Chris English * Linda Epstein  * Tom Erickson * Celia Ewald * Andrea Ewerling * Barbara Eyre * Terri Fabiano * Mike Falabella * Joan Falk * Patricia Farrell  * Elaine Feit * Carolyn Fennell * Theresa Fernstrom  * Valerie Ferronato  * Phyllis Fickett  * Kathy Field * Sharon Finley * Cynthia Fitzgerald * Nora FitzGerald * Ray FitzGerald * John Fitzpatrick * Maureen Fitzpatrick * Terry Murphy Fleming * Lucy Flynn * Mary Thiele Fobian * Jan Fooks * Bob Ford  * Tom Fornabaio * Doreen Forrest * Bill Forshay * Suzanne Forte * Mark Foster * Eve Fowler * Carolyn Franchi * Dolores Frank * Diane Frankel * Jane Fraser * Rick Frataccia  * Elly G Freeman * Michael Friedman * Lucille Frost  * Dan Fuller * Dawn Fulton * Richard Furtaw * Steve Gabai * Michael Galluzzo * Kathi Galvin * Nora Galvin * Steven Garfinkel  * Nitza Garza * Eric Gatti * Patty Gault * John Geiger * Richard Gelbke * Warren Gelhaus * Jim Gemma * Errol Genet * Mike Genovese * Kim Gerckens * Ina Getzoff * John Getzoff * Sherry Gevarter * Lynn Gibson * Marion Gibson * Noelle Giesse * Sandra K Gill * Maria Giovine * Jean Giuliante * Robynne Glenn * Linda Goldberg * Marge Goldin * Dorothy Goldman * Allan Goldstein * Stephanie Gombar * Rebecca Gonzalez * Lisa Gordon * Marge Gordon * Estelle Gordon  * Colleen Graham * Alison Gran * Kathy Grant * Carol Granville * Elizabeth Green * Elizabeth (Ann) Green  * Joyce A Green  * Sarah Greenberg * Norman Greenfeld * Dorothy Gregg * Ursula Gregory * Marilyn Grosbeck * Hanna Grossman * Tammy Wells Grube * Donna Guinaw * Ed Guinness  * Doris Gulotta * Margaret Gundacker * Sandra Gutierrez * M Donald Guttman * Estelle M Guzik * Rita Haberman * Sister Joan Hackett * Oscar Haimowitz * Tom Hale  * Betsy Haller * Rich Halliday * Ellen Halliday  * Eileen Halton * Sandi Hamilton * Rose Hanington * Cheryl Hannan * Margaret Hannan * Eileen Hansen * Elizabeth Haren * Tom Harmke * Audrey Harmse * Chris Harmse * Annie Harris * Stefanie Harten * John Harvey * David Hauck * Patricia Hauser * Nancy Hauser  * Brenda Hayward * Julie Hazelton * Cathy Headrick * Tony Healy * Jean Heath * Linda Heelan  * Theodora Hein * Tamara Heinemann * Sheila Heitner * Linda Helaudais * Betty Henken * Brenda Herbst  * Clare Herrick * Barbara Hershey * Patricia Hervey * Linda Heslin * Edwin Hess * Florence Hess * Alyssa Hill * Arthur E Hillier * Sandra Hirschhorn * Linda Hodges * Christine Hoff * Chris Hoffman * Marcia Hoffman * Ann Holland * Eileen Holland * Charles Hollander * Richard Holliday  * E. Wade Hone * Tina Houle * Tammy Houston * June Howard  * Becky Hudnall * Carol Hughes * Kristen Humphrey * Lisa Hunt * Jennifer Hyatt * Joan Hydo * Marie Inglee * Sue Irvine * Antoinette Jackson * Linda Jackson * Dale Jacobi *  Linda Jarczewski * Susan Jaycox * Nancy Jess  * Jeanne Jimenez * Eden Joachim * Cathy Johnson * Juliette Johnson * Mary Ellen Johnson * Margaret Jones * Mary Jones * Pamela Jones * Gail Schinnerer Jorgensen * Colleen Justice  * Elana Kahn * Margaret Kaiser * Susan Kalish * Stephen Kane * Peggy Kanstroom * Heather Kartzinel * Barbara Karwowski * Alice Kasten * Mary Jane Kedenburg * Laura Keefe * Virginia Keller * Peggy Kelley * Judy Kelly * Ken Kennedy * Emily Kenzik  * Gudrun Kern * Stacy Kerr * Maurice Kessler * Vivian Kessler * Jean King * Phebe Kirkham * Evelyn Klapholtz * Sharon Klein * Ray Klett * Mary Klima * Shelly Klink  * Linda Driscoll Klocker * Nick Kocharhook * Robert Koehler * Randi Koenig * Lenore Kraft * Linda Kralick * Maria C Krane * Ken Kravitz * Sharon Kreyer * Theresa M Kunzler * Robin Lageman * Angela LaGiglia * Ann Marie Lahti * Ellen Lambiase * Fred Lamond * Marie LaMonte * Robert Landau * Larry Lanzaro * Janet Larkin * Dottie Larsen * Cristina Laszcz * Peter Lattanzi  * Tony Lauriano * Patricia Lawrence * Patricia Lee * Tracy Lee * Meghan Lenahan * Pat LeRoux * Herbert Lessmann * Jeanne Lestrange * Carol Leve  * Diane Levy * Laurel Libby * Peg Limbacher * Louise Linck * Cynthia Link * Deborah Liou * A J Logan * Denise Lombardo * Jamie Longley * Elizabeth Lovaglio * Nancy Lowell * George Ludder  * Evelyn Ludwig  * Jody Lutter * Kelly Lutz * Donna Luzzi * Elsie Lynch * Virginia MacLeod * Jeanne Macri  * Kristina Magill * Alexandra Malakhoff * Sandy Malek * Barbara Mall * Julie Mancini * Julia Mann * Carole Manning * Ruth Maraglio  * Gary Marcus * Maybeth Martin * John Martino * Ed Mashmann * Marcella Masiello * Sam Masiello  * Karen Massoni * Lynn Mathias  * Laura Mattera * Russ Maurer  * Emily May * Harriet Mayer * Elizabeth McCall  * Dawn McCarthy * Florence McCarthy * Rosemary McCloskey * Karen McCunney * Beverly McDonough * Kathy McGee * Lynn McGinn * Jill McGirr * Tom McGrath * Frank McKenna * Rita McSweeney  * Carol McWilliams * Veronica Meier * Carolyn Melito  * Patricia Meravi * Barbara Metzger  * John Mezzacappa * Virginia (Ginny) Michaels  * Wendy Midgett  * Laura Miklosko * George A Miller * Judy Miller * Maeve Miller * Rhoda Miller * Rose Mirabella * Rosemary Mirabella * Carolyn Mitchell * Donna Mitchell * Fran Mohler * Kim Mohler * Fran Molnar * Paul Monaghan * Olga Montecorboli * Mary Montoux * Marion Moore * Patricia Moore * Tom Moorman * Mary Morabito * Sharon More  * James Moreno  * Claire Morga  * Rachel Morris * Edward Morrissey  * Dorothy L Mosior * Patricia Murdock * Barbara Murphy * Kevin Murphy * Pauline Myers * Tom Myles * Maureen Nantista * John Nardi  * Margaret Nastro * Susan Nations * Catherine Negrycz * Regina Negrycz * Peggy Nehmen * Phillip Nensel  * Ken Neu  * Andrea Newman * Charles Niessner * Dennis Nodar * Maria Nolan * Regina Norkus * Jim Norris * Kiera J Northington  * Candace Nourse-Hatch * Rhonda Nurnberger * Lisa Nussbaum * Charisse O'Brien * Jo Ann O'Connell * Lori O'Dea * Bill Oelkers * Eileen Oesterle  * Kathleen O'Farrell * DiAnn Ohama  * Erin O'Hea * Linda Oldenborg-Smith  * Charles F Olson * Erin O'Malley * Barbara ONeill * Lauren Orenstein * Barbara Ortiz  * Debbie Ovechka * Al Ovedovitz * Janeth Pacich * Debby Painter * Barbara Paller * Monica Palmer * Robert Palmer * Edward Papa * Terry Parcel  * Susan Parilis * Donna Parrone * Mary Pasi * Linda Pasqua * Marie Pastore * Martha Paul * Joysetta Pearse * Louise Perrotta * Ann Perry * Carol Perry * JoAnn Perry * Judy Petersen * Janice Peterson * Rebekah Peterson  * Patricia Petrizzo * Sue Pettit * Marilyn Phillips  * Israel Pickholtz * Chloe Pierle * Susan Pieroth  * Mary Levant Plant * Heidi Plavecsky * Katherine Polak  * Edie Polhamus  * Shelley K Pollero * Liz Polykandriotis  * Linda M Pompey * Barbara Pon * Mary Posser * Janet Powers * Nancy Profit * Carol Proven * Marguerite Puca * Alma Puglia * Mary Pullara * Barbara Puster * Carolyn Putterman * Lucy Rafter  * Louise Randolph * Claire Rassman * Elizabeth Ratigan * Donald Ray * Nana Redell * Michael Reich * Carol Resch * Becky Richardson * Penny Rinaldi * Tom Risinger * Anita Roberts * Gary Roberts * Deborah Robson * Stephanie Rodriguez * Nancy Ronning  * Diane Rose * Mark Rosenholz * Elaine Roth * Dolores Royere * Marcia Rubin  * Nicki Russler * Barbara Russo * Donna Ryan * Stephanie Rybicki * Elsie Saar * Maureen Sabo * Frances Saltarelli * Elaine Salvatti  * Sarah Samuel * JoAnne Sanchez * Regina Sanders * Barbara Sansone * Marie Santoro * Violet Sardo * Tony Sasso  * Beatrice Sauer * Eli Savada * Linda Pirro Savard * Frank Scalfani * Marie Scalisi * Joseph Scanlon * Kristine Scanza * Meredith Schade  * Barbara Schaffer * Judy Scheer * Nima Schierloh * Debi Schmalbach * John Schnakenberg * Jerry Schneider * Jill Schoenberg * Murry Schoenberger * Fran Schreiber * Bart Schutzman  * Chuck Schwab * Arie Schwartz * Joe Scinto * Jo Anne Sclarani * Theresa Seibel * Dorothy Selby * William Sennello * Sally Bianchi Seta  * Stuart Shippey * Kathy Shouse * Sharon Siciliano * Marilyn Siebenman * Helen Siebert * Christine Sigismondi  * Janette Silverman * Ghyll Simoneschi * Claire Simpson * Catheren Sirignano * Doug Smith * Mary Lou Smith * Maureen Smith * Robert G Smith * Christine Smyth * Art Sniffin * Laura Soldner  * Doris Spehar * Nancy Spencer * Jim Spero * Karen Spicer * Cynthia Spikell * Peter Spina  * Ellie St.John * Kathleen Stahl * Ellen Stanton * Gail Stanton * Charles Steele * Steve Stein * Cyndy Steinbacher * Marie Steinberg * Larry Steinhauer * Paula Stenzler * Barbara Stephenson  * Phyllis Sternemann * Mimi Stevens * Gale Stevenson * Suzanne Stewart * Dorothy Stewart  * Elizabeth Street * Jim Strezoff * Karin Stucchio * Jackye Sullins  * Kathy Sullivan * Martha Sullivan * Robert Sullivan * Mariann Taccia * Robert Tallman  * Gaye Tannenbaum * Judy Tarail * Armand Tarantelli * Patricia Tavis  * Sharon Taylor * Susan Taylor * Trish Little Taylor * Greta Tedoff  * Renee Tepper * Marsha Tesdal * Kathy Then * Ann Thompson  * Olga  Thuman * John J Tierney * Cathy Tipton * Doris Tkaczyk * Mario Toglia * Daniel Tonery * Marie E Torchia * Diane Tortorella * Diana Tosi * Kathleen Tracy * Jennifer Tran * Kathy Tricomi  * Janet Truncali * Nancy  Tucker * Judith Turbin * Jeanne Turner * Mary Ughetta * Pat Uhrmann * Elisa A Ulino * Suzanne Updegrove * Nanci Vaeth * Cathy Vallevieni  * Pat VanLandingham * Pat VanLandingham  * Diana Varriale * Elaine Vaudreuil * Marie Vayer * Joe Venezia * Barbara Verry * Marge Duffy Virgulak * JoAnn Vislocky * Jean Viviani * Barbara Voelkel * Linda Volin * Susan VonBergen * Jean Vredenburgh * Ellen Wagner * Mark Waldron * Julie Wall * Jackie Wasserstein * Barbara Weber * Catherine Lupi Weber * Fred Weber * Barbara A Wehman  * Bob Weingarten * Larry Weingartner * Judy Weinstein * Laura Weishaupt * Michael J Weiss * Ann L Wells * Ron Wencer * Kathleen Whalen * Noreen Wheeler * Pam Whitacker * Allison White * Ann White * Caroline White * Ellen Wiberley * Lisa Williams * Susan Williams * Barbara Wilson * Dorothy M Winchell * Joanne Wisniewski * Helen Wolf * Loretta Wolf * Alice Wolfteich * Debra Wolraich * Janet Wood * Pamela Works  * Karen Worrell * Barbara J Wright * Sue Wright * Bob Wunderlich * William Wunderlin * Pat Wuzzardo * Donna Wyman * Kim Yeck * Carol V Yocom * Linda York  * Jeannette Youngling * Shannon Yowell * Eileen Zakielarz * Cathy Zeltmann * Jeanine Zeltmann  * Tracey Ziebro * Paula Zieselman * Linda Zimmerman  * Jill Zullo  * Brenda Zwickel * Randi Zwickel-Patrick *

Bronx County Naturalizations

Wendy Almeleh * Gloria Anderson * Maryanne Andruzzi * Glenn Appel * Meg Assip * Lorraine Baltusis * Joseph Battagliese Kathleen Benson * Richard Black * Lucille Blum * Linda Cantor * Judy Caputo * Stephen Carfora * Patricia Clark * Frances Connors * Fred Danner * Lynn Detrano * Tony DiBartolo * Eileen Douglas * Stewart Driller * Mary Duet * Don Eckerle * Edith Ewenstein * Mike Flabella * Marilyn Fannon * Jane Foss * Dolores Frank * Gloria Freund * Gail Gannotti * Warren Gelhaus Arums D Geller * Marjorie Goldman * Nancy Gorman * Paul Gran Donna Guinaw * Margaret Gundacker * Estelle M Guzik * Jean Heath * Linda Heelan * Sheila Heitner * Brenda Herbst * June Hesler * Antoinette Jackson * Charles Kean * Steve Kendall * Stacy Kerr * Evelyn Klapholtz * Mary Klima * Linda Kralick * Carole Kramer * Ken Kravitz * Marie LaMonte * Ken Leib * Herbert Lessmann * Michael L Levine * John Martino * Marcella Masiello * Rosemary McCloskey * Rhoda Miller * Olga Montecorboli Claire Morga * Barbara Murphy * Robert Neeci * Regina Negrycz * Jo Ann O'Connell * Kurt Pahlitzsch * Joysetta Pearse * Nancy Profit * Dale Realander * Tom Risinger * Chuck Russell * Frances Saltarelli * Elaine Salvitti * JoAnne Sanchez * Violet Sardo Tony Sasso * Frank Sclanfani * Jean Schmidt * Bob Schweitzer * Shirley Smith * Rochelle Spergel * Renee Steinig * Robert Tallman * Joe Thurman * Daniel Tonery * Linda Volin * Jackie Wasserstein * Jeanine Zeltmann

Nassau County Naturalizations

Gloria Anderson * Maryanne Andruzzi * Joseph Battagliese * Ann C. Brennan * Lucille Blum * Robert Boeckle * Frank Chiappisi Madeline Capponi * Judy Caputo * Susanne Ciechalski * Ruth Becker Cipko * Frances Connors * Al D'Angelo * Laura DeGrazia June DeLalio * Rosemarie DiLandro * Barbara DeOliveira * Lynn Detrano * Mary Duet * Don Eckerle * Vincent Esposito * Andrea Ewerling * Frederick Finger * Mark Fitzgibbon * Barbara Florio * Jerry Gatti * Warren Gelhaus * Michael Genovese * Barbara Gribbon  Betty Griffin * Donna Guinaw * Linda Harvey * Jean Heath * Florence Hess * Richard Holliday * Antoinette Jackson Linda Kralick * Stacy Kerr * Marie LaMonte * Patrick  Lappin * Peter Lattanzi * Leo Larney * Frank LaRosa * Elizabeth Lovaglio Ruth Maraglio * John Martino * Sam and Marcella Masiello * Florence McCarthy * Rosemary McCloskey * Geraldine McDonnell Suzanne McVetty * Ron Migliore * Rhoda Miller * Olga Montecorboli * Peter Montemurro * Barbara Murphy * Maureen Nantista Catherine Nashak * Regina Negrycz * Jim Norris * Bud Pape * Louise Perrotta * Susan Pieroth * Amelia Pometti * Nancy Profit Tom Risinger * Susan Rowan * Tony Sasso * Barbara Schultz * Richard Stelle * Armand Tarantelli * Margaret Tolsdorf * Jackie Wasserstein * Andrea West * Merritt Woznick * Patricia A. Ziegler

Queens County Naturalizations

Gloria Anderson * Harold Atkins * Paul Auerbach * Phil Belmont * Peggy Black * Lucille Blum Robert Blum * Robert Boeckle Bonnie Boeger * Penny Bonnar * Palma Bourgoin * Judy Buckney * Karen Buxton * Judith Crawford * Paula Curran * Fred Danner Debra Dellocono * Mary Duet * Don Eckerle * William Ellsworth * Mary Flaccavento * Mary Fobian * Bill Forshay * Suzanne Forte Dolores Frank * Patricia Gaetani * Alison Gran * Sarah Greenberg * Doris Gulotta * Cheryl Hannan * Tammy Henderson * Florence Hess * Christine Hoff * Chris Hoffman * Eileen Holland * Allison Hoopes * Lisa Hunt * Sue Irvine * Linda Jarczewski Judy Jefferson * Eden Joachim * Mary Ellen Johnson * Donna Kemmer * Jean King * Ken Kravitz * Tricia Leffson * Herbert Lessmann * John Martino * Joanna Marutollo * Rosemary McCloskey * Agnes McFarlane * Jill McGirr John L McManus * James McNamara * Judith Anne Merritt * Barbara Metzger * Terry Miller * Lori Nichols * Eileen O'Brien * Judy Petersen * Chloe Pierle Irene Piscitelli * Laurie Plunkett * Bonnie Popet * Ellen Quinn * Chuck Russell * Mary Santanen * Eli Savada * Joseph Scanlon Judy Scheer * Kathleen Schindler * Janette Silverman * Ghyll Simoneschi * Brenda Sinclair * Maureen Smith * Phyllis Spillane Richard Stahl * Larry Steinhauer * Robin H Stone * Diana Tosi * Steve Waterman * Ann White * Suzanne Youmans

Richmond Naturalizations

Anita Rosan Arkin * Harold Atkins * Marion Baker * Penny Bonnar * John Breheny Jr. * Cindy Burns * Patricia Calandra * Kristin Campbell * Helen Clifford * Dean Ann Collier * Angelique Conde * Frances Connors * Lorraine Conroy * John Cullen * Paula Curran * Vivki DeLeo * Claire Donohue * Don Eckerle * Leslie Freeman * Jim Gathercole * Sarah Greenberg * Ursula Gregory Doris Gullotta * Margaret Gundacker * Sandra Gutierrez * Eileen Hansen * Tammy Henderson * Kathleen Heydens * June Howard * Maria Iwanechko * Nancy Jess * John Jonaitis  Amelia Joseph * Barbara Karwowski  JoAnn Kronenfeld * Johanna Lapier  Pat LeRoux  Michael Manning  Maureen Martinez * John Martino * Kathleen McGarry * Fran Molnar * Jeanne Mower Lori Nichols * Debby Painter * Carol Perry * Mary Levant Plant * Joan R Plantinga * Mary Posser Ellen Quinn  * Tom Risinger Janet Rosenbaum *  Elaine Roth Patricia Sammartano Susan Sauve Cindy Savino Joseph Scanlon *  Robert Scheuer Bob Schweitzer * Gary Sekora * Robert Silverstein * Ghyll Simoneschi * Deborah Skoblick * Susan Starkey * Kate Steere * Val Thompson * Lori Tillery * Carla Timmerman-Silva * Marilyn Verna * Dulce Werner * Eileen Werth * Lynne Wichtner * Paula Yezzo

Suffolk County Naturalizations

Mildred Albarella * Tom Albano * Vivian Amrich * Joseph Arrighi * Joseph Battagliese * Lucille Blum * Robert Blum * Bob Boeckle Florence Brook * John Celardo * William Chamberlain * Vincent Ciminera * Ruth Becker Cipko * June DeLalio * Anthony DellaCroce * Anthony DeMarino * Alice Demico * Barbara DeOliveira * Rosemarie DiLandro * Margaret Donato * Don Eckerle Andrea Ewerling * Lillian Fais * Fred Finger * Patt Gaetani * Paul Gitto * Eileen Glover * Ralph Griffith * Charles Guarnieri * Rita Hall * Christopher Harford * Jack Hayne * Richard Holliday * Amanda Horn * MaryAnn Horn * Antoinette Jackson * Walter Kehoe Patrick Lappin * Frank La Rosa * Liz Lovaglio * Donna Luzzi * John Martino * Philip Mason Rosemary McCloskey * Denise Mullen * Barbara Murphy * Edward Murray * Catherine Nashak * Dominic Natoli * Vincent Nola * Raymon Palm * Susan Pieroth Frank Piliero * Jack Rush Sal Sanmartano * Tony Sasso * Jim Sasso * William Senk * Natalie Stiefel * Bob Tallman * Armand Tarantelli * Ines Tarantelli * Kathy Then * Jean Triggiani * Matt Triggiani * Paul Tringali * Marilyn Verna * Joseph Walter * Vincenza Zaddem * Mary Zatorski

Westchester County Naturalizations

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